Python Programming

"Unlock the secrets of Python with 'Pythonic Prowess.' From basics to brilliance, elevate your programming skills and embrace the elegance of Python. Master the art of code effortlessly."

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Python Programming

"Embark on a journey to master the art of programming with 'Pythonic Prowess.' This project is designed to guide both novices and experienced developers through the intricacies of Python, unraveling its elegance and power. From fundamental concepts to advanced techniques, discover how to wield Python with finesse, crafting efficient and elegant solutions. Unleash your coding potential and elevate your programming skills with 'Pythonic Prowess.'"

18+ Hours Live Sessions

Projects based Evaluation

Expert Talk

Cash Rewards for Top 3% Students

Starts on 7th March 2024 End on 24th March 2024

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Our offerings for
Python Programming


Live classes


Course Completion Certificates


Cash Rewards*

Meet your
Expert Trainers

Highly seasoned DSA trainers with a wealth of expertise, guiding students through complex data structures and algorithms with precision and mastery.

Sawal Tondon

Sr. Manager Training and Development
@ GenSpark | IT Instructor

Ravinder Singh

Senior Data Analyst

Shambhavi Gupta

Gate DS & AI Instructor

Modules for
Python Programming

Module 1 (6 Hours)

o Introduction to python
o Features of Python
o Introduction to Google Colab

Variables Expression and Statements
o Variables
o Keywords
o Arithmetic operators and BEDMAS rule
o String operations
o Input function

Data structures
o List, Tuples
o Dictionary sets

Control Structures and Functions in Python
o If-elif-If
o for loop, while loops
o lambda functions, user defined functions
and recursion

Module 2 (8 Hours)

OOP’s Concepts
o Introduction to numpy
o Importing numpy
o Creating array using numpy
o Array vs list,
o Numpy functions and slicing
o Sub setting and indexing operations on arrays

o Introduction to pandas
o Importing pandas
o Creating series using pandas
o Creating dataframes using panda

Module 3 (8 Hours)

o Introduction to Matplotlib
o Importing Matplotlib
o Basic and advance Plotting with Matplotlib
o Real-world Applications

o Introduction to Seaborn
o Importing Seaborn
o Creating Plots with Seaborn
o Statistical Data Visualization
o Pair Plots and Heatmaps

Module 4 (4 Hours)

Introduction to machine Learning
o Types of Machine Learning

Module 5 (2-4 Hours)

Project (2-4 Hours)

Detailed Syallabus