Unrevealing Basic python
towards ML/AI

"Unveiling Basic Python towards ML/AI" guides you seamlessly from fundamental Python skills to the realms of Machine Learning and Ar:ficial Intelligence"

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Unrevealing Basic python
towards ML/AI

From mastering Python fundamentals to seamlessly transitioning into Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, this course offers hands-on projects and real-world applications.
Whether you're a novice or a seasoned developer, join us to bridge the gap from Basic Python to the exciting realms of ML/AI."

25+ Hours Live Sessions

Projects based Evaluation

Expert Talk

Cash Rewards for Top 3% Students

Starts on 22nd Feb 2024 End on 20th March

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Our offerings for
Unrevealing Basic python towards ML/AI


Live classes


Project based Evaluation


Cash Rewards*

Meet your
Expert Trainers

Highly seasoned DSA trainers with a wealth of expertise, guiding students through complex data structures and algorithms with precision and mastery.

Sawal Tondon

Sr. Manager Training and Development
@ GenSpark | IT Instructor

Ravinder Singh

Senior Data Analyst

Shambhavi Gupta

Gate DS & AI Instructor

Modules for
Unrevealing Basic python towards ML/AI

Module 1 (6 Hours)

o Introduction to python
o Features of Python
o Introduction to Google Colab

Variables Expression and Statements
o Variables
o Keywords
o Arithmetic operators and BEDMAS rule
o String operations
o Input function

Data structures
o List, Tuples
o Dictionary sets

Control Structures and Functions in Python
o If-elif-If
o for loop, while loops
o lambda functions, user defined functions
and recursion

Module 2 (8 Hours)

OOP’s Concepts
o Introduction to numpy
o Importing numpy
o Creating array using numpy
o Array vs list,
o Numpy functions and slicing
o Sub setting and indexing operations on arrays

o Introduction to pandas
o Importing pandas
o Creating series using pandas
o Creating dataframes using panda

Module 3 (8 Hours)

o Introduction to Matplotlib
o Importing Matplotlib
o Basic and advance Plotting with Matplotlib
o Real-world Applications

o Introduction to Seaborn
o Importing Seaborn
o Creating Plots with Seaborn
o Statistical Data Visualization
o Pair Plots and Heatmaps

Module 4 (4 Hours)

Introduction to machine Learning
o Types of Machine Learning
o Machine Learning Workflow
o Applications of Machine Learning
o Basic Machine learning model

Module 5 (2-4 Hours)

Project (2-4 Hours)

Detailed Syallabus